Sunday, November 17, 2002

Kara McKinlay... AKA is one of those fraud people who has a boring life and a boring job and therefore, comes online and pretends to be this bigshit. She's a lowly library assistant at the County College of Morris. Infact, she wasn't so "angry" when she reviewed A Wrinkle In Time, a book that was intended for sixth graders.

Her reviews:
Kara McKinlay, Library Assistant:

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
I was struck with the individualism of the protagonist, Howard Roark, a person who stood on principle against all current and flow of society and potential -- giving up money, fame, and other temptations to stand for what he believed in. His conviction stuck in my mind and has greatly influenced my character.

You'll notice that she plays a "good girl" to a T here. She also has convinced herself that there's nothing wrong with lying on the job. After all, 90% of Americans are employed, NOT working. There's a difference. She spends all of her time at's library computers threatening people over the internet. She's a psycho. Unfortunately, she's the only psycho proven to exist.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
This book was the first that awakened my love for reading as a young child. The book is an excellent first science fiction book with rich imagery and a whimsical story line, but also teaches many important lessons by making commentary on the beauty of diversity and the wrongness of insistence on conformity.

This book was originally intended for sixth graders. Or younger. Not twenty-nothing women working at colleges. I don't suppose she seen or heard the people laughing at her when her lips moved as she read, either.

Kara McKinlay bought seven private domains from, and being the hypocrit that she is, registered them only two days after was registered. She now has over ten separate domains in her possession alone. Since she labels people who have more than one domain as "bored morons with too much money and time on their hands" let's see how much she spent registering her domains, shall we?

She registered,, and through, and paid $15.99 each. Doing some basic math, $15.99 x 3 = $47.97 Wow! Then she registered through for $8.95. Which brings us to a total of $56.92!!! And this is just what she spent in 2002!!! Okay, then she registered,,,,,, and all privately from Which means she paid extra to have her name out of the whois directory. For those seven domains to be registered through, and she only did it two days after was privately registered, she had to pay $126.70!!!!!!!! Good FUCKING GOD!!!! Her total comes to: $183.62!!! And that's not including credit card fees, three hosts that she was kicked off of for abuse, and numerous LiveJournal accounts she purchased to make her friends' list grow. Or was that Katy Buschelmann who did that? I can't remember, they switch identities so many times online, I'm sure they can't remember either. So.... Considering that Kara McKinlay has spent over $200 on her websites alone, who is really the "bored moron with too much time and money" on her hands?